2unit reading B

Unit2 reading b

10th English

The Dear Departed - II

Abel : What’s the matter with little Vicky?

(He sees Ben and Mrs. Jordan) Hello! What brings you here? How’s

yourself, Ben?

(Abel thrusts his hand at Ben who skips back smartly and retreats with

Mrs. Jordan to a safe distance below the sofa.)

Mrs. Slater : (approaching Abel gingerly)Father, is that you? (She pokes him with her

hand to see if he is solid.)

Abel : Of course it’s me. Don’t do that, Amelia. What the devil do you mean by

this tomfoolery?

Mrs. Jordan : You took us by surprise, father. Are you keeping quite well?

Abel : (trying to catch the words)

 Eh? What?

Mrs. Jordan : Are you quite well?

Abel : Aye, I’m right enough but

for a bit of a headache.

(Looking at Amelia) Amelia,

what the dickens did I do

with my new slippers?

Mrs. Slater : (confused)Aren’t they by

the hearth, father?

Abel : I don’t see them.

(Observing Henry trying

to remove the slippers)

Why, you’ve got ‘em on,


Mrs. Slater : (promptly) I told him to put them on to stretch them; they were that new

and hard. Now, Henry.

(Mrs. Slater snatches the slippers from Henry and gives them to Abel,

who puts them on and sits in the armchair.)

Mrs. Jordan : (to Ben) Well, I don’t call that delicate, stepping into a dead man’s shoes in

such haste.

(Victoria runs across to Abel and sits on the floor at his feet.)

Victoria : Oh, Grandpa, I’m so glad you’re not dead.

Mrs. Slater : (in a vindictive whisper) Hold your tongue, Victoria.

Abel : Eh? What’s that? Who’s gone dead?

Mrs. Slater : (loudly) Victoria says she’s sorry about your head.

Abel : Ah, thank you, Vicky, but I’m feeling better.

Abel : Why, Ben, you are in mourning! And Lizzie too. And Amelia, and Henry and

little Vicky! Who‘s gone dead? It’s someone in the family.

(He chuckles.)

Mrs. Slater : No one you know, father. A relation of Ben’s.

Abel : And what relation of Ben’s?

Mrs. Slater : His brother.

Ben :(to Mrs. Slater) Damn it, I never had one.

Abel : Dear, dear. And what was his name, Ben?

Ben : (at a loss) Er-er. (He crosses to front of table.)

Mrs. Slater : (Right side of table, prompting) Frederick.

Mrs. Jordan : (Left side of table, prompting) Albert.

Ben : Er-Fred –Alb-Isaac.

Abel : Isaac? And where did your brother Isaac die?

Ben : In-er-in Australia.

Abel (rising) : Well, I suppose you’ve only been waiting for me to begin tea. I’m feeling


Mrs. Slater : (taking up the kettle) I’ll make tea.

Abel : Come along, now, sit you down and let’s be jolly.

(Abel sits at the head of the table, facing spectators.)

Abel :(suddenly recollecting) Ay, Amelia and Henry, what the devil did you mean

by shifting my bureau out of my bedroom? (Henry and Mrs. Slater are

speechless.) D’you hear me? Henry! Amelia!

Mrs. Jordan : What bureau was that, father?

Abel : Why, my bureau, the one I bought

Mrs. Jordan : (pointing to the bureau) Was it the one, father?

Abel : Ah, that’s it. What’s it doing there? Eh?

(A pause. The clock on the mantelpiece strikes six. Everyone looks at it.)

Drat me if that isn’t my clock, too. What the devil’s been going on in this


(A slight pause)

Ben : Well, I’ll be hanged.

Mrs. Jordan : (rising) I’ll tell you what’s been going on in this house, father. Nothing

short of robbery.

Mrs. Slater : Be quiet, Elizabeth.

Mrs. Jordan : I’ll not be quiet. Oh, I call it double-faced.

Henry : Now, now, Elizabeth.

Mrs. Jordan : And you, too. Are you such a poor creature that you must do every dirty

thing she tells you?

Abel : (rising; thumping the table) Damn it all, will someone tell me what’s been

going on?

Mrs. Jordan : Yes, I will. I’ll not see you robbed.

Abel : Who’s been robbing me?

Mrs. Jordan : Amelia and Henry. They’ve stolen your clock and bureau.

(Working herself up)

They sneaked into your room like thieves in the night and stole them after

you were dead.

Henry and Mrs. Slater: Hush! Quiet, Elizabeth!

Mrs. Jordan : I’ll not be stopped. After you were dead, I say.

Abel : After who was dead?

Mrs. Jordan : You.

Abel : But I’m not dead!

Mrs. Jordan : No, but they thought you were. (A pause. Abel gazes round at them.)

Abel : Oho! So that’s why you’re all in black to-day. You thought I was dead. (He

chuckles.) That was a big mistake. (He sits and resumes his tea.)

Mrs. Slater : (sobbing)Father.

Abel : It didn’t take you long to start dividing my things between you. I’ll tell you

what I’m going to do. Since your mother died, I’ve lived part of the time

with you, Amelia, and part with you, Lizzie. Well, I shall make a new will,

leaving all my bits of things to whoever I’m living with when I die. How

does that strike you?

Mrs. Jordan : You know, father, it’s quite time you came to live with us again. We’d make

you very comfortable.

Mrs. Slater : No, he’s not been with us as long as he was with you.

Mrs. Jordan : I may be wrong, but I don’t think father will fancy living on with you after

what’s happened today.

Abel : It seems to me that neither of you has any cause to feel proud about the way

you’ve treated me.

Mrs. Slater : If I’ve done anything wrong, I’m sure I’m sorry for it.

Mrs. Jordan : And I can’t say more than that, too.

Abel : It’s a bit late to say it, now. Neither of you cared to put up with me.

Mrs. Slater and Mrs. Jordan: No, no, father.

Abel : Aye, you both say that because of what I’ve told you about leaving my money.

Well, since you don’t want me, I’ll go to someone that does.

Ben : Come, Mr. Merryweather, you’ve got to live with one of your daughters.

Abel : I’ll tell you what I’ve got to do. On Monday next I’ve got to do three things.

I’ve got to go to the lawyer and alter my will; and I’ve got to go to the

insurance office and pay my premium and I’ve got to go to St Philip’s Church

and get married.

Ben and Henry: What!

Mrs. Jordan : Get married!

Mrs. Slater : He’s out of his senses.

(General consternation)

Abel : I say I’m going to get


Mrs. Slater : Who to?

Abel : To Mrs. John Shorrocks who keeps the ‘Ring-o-Bells’. We’ve had it fixed

up a good while now, but I was keeping it for a pleasant surprise. (He rises.)

I felt I was a bit of a burden to you, so I found someone who’d think it a

pleasure to look after me. We shall be very glad to see you at the ceremony.

(He gets to the door.) Till Monday, then. Twelve o’ clock at St. Philip’s

Church. (opening the door) It’s a good thing you brought that bureau

downstairs, Amelia. It’ll be handier to carry it across to the ‘Ring-o-Bells’

on Monday. (He goes out.)


William Stanley Houghton (1881 - 1913) was a famous

English dramatist. He was one of the best of a group of

realistic playwrights often called the Manchester School.

In every play he sought to present an idea. He had a remarkable

gift for dialogue that is evident in 'The Dear Departed'. The Dear

Departed was first produced in Manchester in 1908. Here Houghton satirizes

the degradation of moral values in the British middle-class.


By William Stanley Houghton


gingerly (adv) : in a careful way

poke (v) : push

what the devil (phrase.) : old fashioned way of showing annoyance or

displeasure; This phrase is always used in questions.

tomfoolery (n) : foolish or silly behaviour

what the dickens (idiom) : (old-fashioned and informal) used in questions instead

of 'devil' to show that you are annoyed or surprised

vindictive whisper (n.phr) : talking about someone in a harsh, hasty manner

double-faced (adj) : hypocritical/ deceitful / dishonest

thumping (v) : hitting hard

will (n) : legal document that says what is to happen to

somebody's property after his / her death

fancy (v) : want / feel like

consternation (n) : a worried, sad feeling

Ring-o-Bells (n) : the name of a restaurant

handier (adj) : easier


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